Rocks – Community Kindness Projects – Hosted by Elleh

Paint a rock, find a rock, hide a rock, and share a smile!
You never know when someone needs a smile or and lift in their day. Each day we struggle with hardships. Never letting anyone know we need a smile. These little gems just might lift someone up and give them a smile on their worst day. Paint your rocks with positive thoughts, images or simply a smile….you do not need be an artist, even the most simple and positive of thoughts might lift some up and give them a small smile.
These are photos of beautiful rocks I found on the internet. These are the types of rocks that will be hidden. When you find a painted rock snap a photo of it and post it here on on my website or on community pages listed below. You will be able to track where your rocks travel thru this world. Leaving a smile with each person they touch. If you find one, paint one and leave it in its place, or take it with you and leave it where someone else can find it. The idea is to make someone smile when they find it. The travels of the rocks you paint will be tracked here. When hiding the rocks please make sure NOT to hide in grassy places that have to be moved or places people can trip on them.
HAVE FUN and lets see where they go. I have hidden rocks for you to find. And those picture will replace these soon. LET THE FUN AND ADVENTURE BEGIN! Let’s Be A Part Of Sharing a Smile
(The images posted in this post are NOT my work… they are images found on the internet and the artists are unknown to me. They are just to be an example of what can be done.) I will post the first images of my rocks after they are safely hidden…..check back to see the start date…..GET READY…GET SET……….GO oooooo :).
The Following Facebook Pages are Hosted by Elleh
Elleh – Kindness Project – Paint a Rock, Find a Rock, Leave a Rock
* Edwardsville Rocks A Kindness Project Hosted by Elleh
* Burns Harbor Rocks, a Kindness Project – Hosted by Elleh
* NWI Rocks, Chesterton Rocks, Valpo Rocks a kindness project – by Elleh
This will be fun!!