Elleh® Ministries
Welcome to Elleh® Ministries
Mission: To Save One To Change One****THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION****
Coming Soon — Online Booking Information
If you would like Elleh to speak at your event please email her at:
1-888-98Elleh / 1-618-980-4595
Speaking Topics Include: Christian, Relational & Abuse Topics
Below are a Sampling of Speaking Topics:
Christian & Relational Speaking Series:
“Adams Rib”
“The Unrealistic Perception of Perfection”
“Who Am I”
Abuse Topics Include:
* All Forms of Abuse: Physical, Mental, Emotional & Sexual
* Healing From Abuse
* Recognizing Abuse
* Relationships
* Children: Caught in the middle
* The Value of Art
* Importance of Art Education
* Recognizing your gifts and the value they hold
* Recognizing the gifts of your child
* The journey from abuse
* The unspoken truth about abuse : It’s not just men
* What it takes to leave abuse
* Why women don’t leave
Speaking topics can be developed around your event theme and audience. Elleh can speak to children, youth, women’s or men’s groups individually or in mixed groups. Contact us for detailed planning for your event.