What Art Can Do – The Unseen Value of Art – Painted Rocks
Just a note as I see so many join in the community kindness, In a world where art and many artists are told not to follow that path in life. I just want everyone to learn the importance and impact art has. It reaches places words cannot. We must continue to nurture and encourage our youngest of artists. For too long we have failed to educate our Artists and ourselves on the Value of Art – Look at the JOY a simple painted rock can bring!
If you or a group would like to learn how to paint rocks let me know and I will send you information on how to paint rocks to hide 🙂 Elleh
Rocks – Community Kindness Projects – Hosted by Elleh

Paint a rock, Find a rock, Hide a rock – A Kindness Project hosted by Elleh® – CLICK TO LEARN MORE
“Do not be afraid of the storms in your life, they shape who you are.
They make you strong and bring beauty to your soul.” – Elleh
“Ask yourself this; Is this where you want to be in 10 years? If the answer is no, then change it!” – Elleh
” You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. YOU MUST do the thing you think you cannot do!” — Eleanor Roosevelt
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning — but ANYONE can start today and make a NEW ending.” – Maria Robinson
“Most people achieved their greatest success one step beyond what looked like their greatest failure.” – Brian Tracy
“Life Is Not About Waiting For the Storm to Pass….
It’s About Learning To Dance In the Rain. ” – Unknown
Obstacles don’t have to stop you, if you run into a wall don’t turn around and give up, figure out how to climb it or go around it. — Michael Jordan
Prayer Chairs
I hope with the development of the Prayer Chair® people will take a second look at discipline and about talking to children. Much can be taught and learned with talking and teaching rather than yelling and shame.