About the Artist
Where do I begin?….How do I tell this story? Why did God take me down this path?
I recently asked someone I knew; who had influenced him? Who had shaped who he was? His response was his grandparents, from the time he was born. It was with his response that a switch went off in my mind. It was then that I realized looking back over my life…that from the time I was born it was God who had shaped me. It was God who had walked along side of me on this journey. Guiding me, shaping me, teaching me…so I could tell this story. My Story…… “My Journey from Abuse”. Looking back, I realized that the way I was brought up, the things I experienced …Everything I lived…..each step was masterfully planned by God. The life lessons I learned as a child, gave me the tools necessary to leave abuse…to break the cycle and to teach others about it. If I hadn’t lived the life I did. I would never have had the ability to survive the process of leaving abuse, putting my life back together and healing from the pain.
The Prayer chairs are a part of this story. Having words used as weapons, and having been battered and torn down by them for the better part of my life. I wanted to create a place where words could be used to teach, to build up, to inspire… a place of learning. I have been artistic my entire life, and that no one directed me into art is also a part of this story. For, if I had been educated in art, my path would have been different. That no one saw my gifts as a child, that no one directed me into art. That no one thought that art was important. That is a lesson. For with that education I might have found value in my gifts. Value in myself. And an ability to support my children, so that I could leave the abuse earlier. Art is a God given ability. Art is all around us, it is everywhere. And it is important!
I truly hope that with the Prayer Chair® parents will take time to teach children, to help them to learn about behaviors and choices. To use words to build them up and to inspire them to find their gifts and to use them.
Each Prayer Chair® is hand painted and one of a kind. I free hand each piece of artwork, so no two chairs are alike. And each piece I paint is a part of my story a part of me.
My name is Elleh.
” Painter of Life™ “